Classroom management is about creating inviting and appealing environments for student learning. Classroom management strategies are tools that the teachers can use to help create such an environment, ranging from activities to improve teacher-student relationships to rules to regulate student behaviour. The findings of numerous studies have shown that teachers play a key role in shaping effective education. Effective classroom management is a requirement for effective education. In this study, we provide an overview of classroom management strategies and classroom management programs for (new) teachers in primary education to help them develop ways to effectively manage their classrooms and to identify interventions that have the potential to prevent classroom management difficulties. three classroom management programs that are frequently implemented by primary schools are described in order to illustrate types of programs used in classrooms currently,and to make the differences between existing programs more tangible. The three programs are (1) School-Wide Positive Behavior Support, (2) Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies, (3) The Good Behavior Game, We describe each program’s aims, theoretical underpinnings, intensity, format, and effectiveness.


“Surabaya Black Hat” Kejahatan Intelektual kah ?

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